


Friday, October 1, 2010

Little Dustmites | Tulsa Children's Photographer

Do you ever wonder why your house is so dusty all the time...or maybe it's just my house. It seems like I've just dusted and then turn around and the coffee table, or night table are covered again in dust!! Well, this morning as I was getting the baby ready to go drop off my oldest at school something caught his attention. Turns out that when I turned his sweater sleeve from inside out a bunch of little dust mites went floating through the air. He just stared for a little bit, then reached out to grab some--of course I had to grab my camera. But by the time I got back he was just watching and had figured out, I guess, that he could not grab, this is what I captured. I love it!! All those little specs, are NOT dust in my lens, they were the actual little dustbites floating all around him!! So, the simple act of turning a sleeve right side out released a bunch of dustmites through the wonder there is dust EVERYWHERE!! But I did love this moment, and I will cherish the memory of watching my son's little hand reach out to grab something new!

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