I met Lauren a few years ago. I worked with her husband, Damon, at WilTel. When I met Lauren, her sweet nature was so evident and I quickly understood her passion for working with kiddos. Lauren is a speech language pathologist. She and her husband are owners of the
Tulsa Sunshine Center in Broken Aroow. Go to their website to find out more about the work that this couple is doing!! They are amazing. I recently had the pleasure of being in their clinic to do some photography work. I can honestly say that it was truly and honor for me to sit in during actual therapy sessions to photography each therapist at work with a child. I loved watching how they interact with the children, their gentleness voices directing, teaching and helping each child. They are amazing. Here are a few of my favorites from these sessions.
First up, meet the office staff. They are a fun group of peeps!! :)

Damon and Lauren. We had fun capturing their photos in a fun and playful clinic environment!! I mean, what clinic can you go to and be able to swing indoors :)

and meet some of their therapists and little clients! I hope that these pictures depict the fun environment they have created at the Sunshine Center. I don't know about you, but a clinic like this is right up my alley. I love to PLAY!






