My first 7 day old model. It was fun to hold such a tiny baby...he was so curious about what was going on, he didn't want to miss a thing and as hard as we tried to get him to a deep sleep, he only really slept about 15 mins or so...the rest of the time he was wide awake. He are a couple from our time this afternoon...
So, I've been on a little bit of a dry spell, but today I had fun doing my niece's 2 year old portraits. She and my mom flew in over the weekend for Joshua's birthday celebration. It was a lot of fun to have her here. The kids played, and fought, and argued, and played some more...and had many laughs and tons of fun! Anyway, this afternoon she and I are some teasers! Hope you like them Marta. You said nothing special, so I give to you my best "nothing special" :)!!